Visiting Edible Gardens

VEG visit - Penrith Raised Beds

Sat, 17/05/2014 - 10:00 to 12:30
Duke Street and Hunter Street, Penrith
PACT / Freegle

The Visiting Edible Gardens (VEG) programme continues with a visit to three raised beds sites in central Penrith:

Raised beds are a great way to make the good use of a small space - easy to maintain and safer against pests. Drop in to see how they work.

Free event.  No refreshments or toilets, except public facilities.
Note that the Salvation Army are not open this morning.

Eventbrite - Penrith Raised Beds visit

Please use the above link to reserve a free place. Approximate schedule:

  1. Meet at 10am near SPB Computers in Duke Street, Penrith (map).
  2. Visit the Methodist Church plant sale at 10:40am - and have a tea/coffeee.
  3. At 11:15am, visit Carol's garden
  4. At 11:45am meet outside the Salvation Army in Hunter Lane, Penrith (map).

Anyone attending will have to sign in on a sheet.  Please take great care at this visit and respect the generosity of those opening up their garden.

Please use normal Penrith parking.

The event will go ahead if it is raining.

Any questions, please phone Chris on 01931 713240.