PACT Garden of Eden

Stricklandgate community garden

Sun, 18/11/2012 - 10:00 to Sat, 27/07/2024 - 05:00
Stricklandgate / Watson Terrace Community Garden
Project tag: 

At the Patch on Sunday 10ish weather permitting. Potting strawberries, planting bulbs, moving bushes around.  Small steps-big difference!

Some of us will be in St Catherine's school on Monday helping kids to make lavender bags from the seeds taken from the Stricklandgate Garden.  These are being posted by the kids through letter boxes in Foster St as a gift from each child.


Re the Town hall herb garden:

I went to the herb garden this morning with 7 children and we weeded, destined (a bit more!), planted a few bulbs, made lovely new signs, dug up and shared leeks with passers-by and swept up. The children did everything except write the signs!

We had great encouragement from passers-by and especially a lady who lives opposite. She said she has no garden and her husband had a stroke and she uses the garden herbs alot! The children were so happy about this, made it feel really worth while!