Visiting Edible Gardens

Grow-your-own training Penrith

Sat, 25/04/2015 - 10:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 03:35
Eden Housing Association Polytunnel, Greystoke Road, Penrith
PACT / Freegle / Eden Housing Association

Learn how to get started growing your own fruit and veg:

  • deciding what you want to grow & planning how it would work in your garden
  • clearing a horticultural site
  • establishing crops
  • seed propagation
  • vegetative propagation
  • pest & disease identification & control
  • watering & feeding
  • ongoing monitoring of crop growth & harvesting

The new Eden Housing Association polytunnel is on Greystoke Road at the entrance to Skiddaw View - map

VistaVeg10 places.  FREE but please book.  Bring your own packed lunch.

Eventbrite - Grow-your-own training in Penrith

The training is being given by VistaVeg, our local veg bag growing co-operative.

Note: the event may be filmed - let us know if you do not want to be included.

  • Please bring a soil sample from their garden or veg plot with them if you wish (we just need a small amount from a little way beneath the surface)
  • Please bring a pair of gardening gloves if you have any (we have some but not enough for everyone)