Naomi introduces her patch...
My front lawn wasn't getting much use so I have decided it would be an ideal space to grow some veg. My aim is to grow a variety of different things to eat whilst also having a beautiful garden to look at. I've measured the space (and the width of my lawn-mower!), and planned out what I'd like to grow and where to plant things. In February 2014 I made a start on digging it out and planted the first few crops.
We visited Naomi's garden last year - and now are excited to be invited back to see what progress she has made.
Free outdoor-only event. Teas and coffees available. No toilet available.
-- Report of the 2014 visit -- Naomi's gardening tips --
Please use the above link to reserve a free place. Otherwise, simply look for the PACT or Freegle poster or the bunch people standing round a muddy garden! Approximate map. Anyone attending will have to sign in on a sheet. Please take great care at this visit and respect the generosity of those opening up their garden.
There is a fair amount parking in Brentfield Way.
The event will go ahead if it is raining - there is a small covered area available.
Any questions, please phone Chris on 01931 713240.