Tina Wild receiving some damson suckers following an offer on Freegle.
Chris and Caz who live between Shap and Bampton usually have spare small/medium trees available free - come and dig them up. Contact them on 01931 713240.
Tree transplanting is best done in the winter but can be tried any time, though the tree may not initially do well.
In addition, they have some native trees available, eg blackthorn and ash. They are all currently growing at over 800' above sea level where it can be pretty windy at times - so they should survive most places.
The local RSPB reserve may have spare small junipers and oaks - contact Chris and Caz for details.
Their damsons are Westmorland damson trees originally from the famous Lyth Valley. The damsons are great for making jam, cooking into pies or chutney, or bottling with gin. They can be eaten raw when ripe, eg at the end of September.
Our trees have grown to be about 12' high max with occasional pruning.
When large enough the trees produce many small suckers each year. Some bigger trees are also available.
The trees get pocket plum disease which reduces the crop - affected fruit are best picked off if possible.
More info is available at the Westmorland Damson Association.
The apples are an unknown cooker variety that can also be eaten raw. The apples are big and keep their shape when cooked. The apples will keep for several months
Our trees have grown to be about 10' high max with regular pruning.
The trees do not suffer from scab or canker - excellent properties round here! The trees have "burr knots" on branches which produce aerial roots. Branch cuttings with root growths grow well if simply planted in the ground. Suckers from roots are also produced. No grafting onto root stock is required.
Part of the Garden of Eden project.
Damson photos
Damson blossom
Damson suckers
Apple photos
Apple blossom
Apple tree
Apple tree nursery