Grow Your Own fruit and veg

Mid-October - Garlic

Peter Clarke's advice is...

If you haven't organised your garlic bulbs yet you need to get on with it now.  They are very easy to grow and they must have a cold spell in the ground to get them going.  We normally plant ours in November but because of the wet this year ours will go in as soon as the ground dries a little, maybe later this week.  Break the bulb into individual cloves for planting, they need to be planted about 2-3cm down, 10-15 cm apart in the row and rows about 30 - 45cm apart.  The larger the individual cloves are the bigger the gaps.  They don't like to be waterlogged so plenty of compost should be added to heavier/stickier soil or if you ground in very wet, put them in a raised bed.  More on this in the spring when the shoots are up and the weather is warming.


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