Directed by Joseph Nizeti, Jennifer Peedom. Starring Willem Dafoe (Narrator). 115mins | 2022 | BBFC Rating: (U)
A breathtaking and musical odyssey that explores the intrinsic relationship between humans and rivers.
February's Green Screen is an award winning and visually stunning film. It is an exploration of the timeless relationship between human civilization and Earth's rivers. Spanning six continents, this visual and musical tour-de-force is by turns celebratory, cautionary, and ultimately hopeful that we are beginning to understand rivers in all their complexity and fragility. Narrated by Oscar Nominee Willem Dafoe. With music by the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Radiohead.
Tonight we will be joined by Jenny Prosser, Kit Hollings and Julia Aglionby. This intrepid band of women swam the length of the Eden in the summer of 2023, observing the beauty and the challenges facing the waterway. The project was filmed by Rosa Prosser and tonight will be the world premiere of her short film.
Come and hear their story and join the discussion as to what we can do to protect our beautiful river.
Book tickets here! Or call the Alhambra on 01768 862400 to reserve a seat!