PACT Food group

Food Group Meeting

Thu, 09/06/2011 - 19:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 05:41
Beck Cottage, Glassonby CA10 1DX
PACT Food Group
Group tag: 

Bring some food to share if you wish.

Please contact us if you wish to share transport.



Present Peter Clarke, Peter Ward, Nial Wildwoode, Sarah Clarke, Peter Dicken, Mike Doak, Chris Cant, Nick Jones, Linda Clarke. 

Apologies from Tisch Adams, Lynn Barnes and Oliver Coles.

1.  Food Group Chair and Venues.


Chair, there being no other volunteers PC agreed to be chairman.  After some discussion it was agreed that the venue should move from place to place including members homes and a selection of pubs.  July's FG meeting will be at Moondawn Farm probably on 1st July (reverting to 1st Friday) bring and share.  This will be confirmed later.


2.  Items from the Steering Group Meeting.



Steering group discussed the AGM  and had thought it a success.  Paul Allen's presentation was well received. Possible speakers for next year were discussed including Sir Martin Holdgate CB (biologist, Chief Scientist at DOE, environmentalist etc) also mentioned at FG was Sarah Hall (writer) who has strong views on how Cumbria should deal with the current transition.

Steering group has decided to trial having a different format meeting every other month starting in July.  The new format is a short business meeting followed by an open discussion on a chosen topic with anyone who is interested joining this part of the meeting.  In addition people with a known interest in the topic will be invited.  July's topic is Nuclear Power and September's will be Farming.  The specialist groups are invited to suggest topics for later meetings.

3.  Food Group Discussion topic(s).
Since the September topic is farming it was agreed that FG would wait to see what comes out of that meeting before suggesting any other food related topics.

4.  Oven Project Events, PD.
PD reported on some Cob Oven building and firings at Acorn Bank and forthcoming firings of the portable oven at Hunter Hall School and Crosby Ravensworth School Fete.  Also mentioned was the building of an oven at Smokey Jo's and another possible one at Blencathra Centre.  Nial Wildwoode and Sarah Clarke are building a new permanent oven at the Water Mill.  From the discussion, it was noted that a number of the building events were for commercial organisations and that PACT and the builders should derive some income from these ones.  There should be charges for materials, travel and builders time.  For further details on oven related matters please refer to PD's reports.
5.  Food Group Goals.
M Doak reminded us that there had been a previous set of goals, he will look them out and refer back.  Bearing that in mind and the lateness of the hour this item was deferred and it was agreed this was an important item and should have plenty of time allocated to it.
6.  Suma Food Order PC/CC.

Chris Cant as offered to include others in his monthly order to Suma so those interested should liaise with CC. If there is lots of interest and it becomes too onerous for Chris Nick Jones offered to run it from the Mill there would be a 5% charge as this is part of the Mill's business.

7.  AOB.
Some general discussion.