PACT Food group

Food Action Group meeting

Fri, 07/10/2011 - 19:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 05:29
Peter and Maureen Ward's house, Applegarth, Nicholson Lane, Penrith
Group tag: 


1. Those present: Sarah Clarke, Maureen Ward, Peter Dicken, Mike (friend of the Ward’s), Peter Clarke, Oliver Coles, Lynn Barnes, Peter Ward

Apologies from Tisch Adams, Nick Jones, Mike Doak, Chris Cant, Niall Wildwoode

2. Apple Day -
Pact has a covered pitch, Pacters need to bring apples. Apple Day itself is 11- 4pm (open for set up from 8am,) People manning the stand Oliver, Mike, Clarkes. Peter D will be on site storytelling not available for Pact stand, bringing kit though.
There is a longish list of things to bring with who said they would bring what in brackets, so here goes:
Juicing Steamer (PD)
Gas stove (PC)
Water for the steamer (PC)
Jugs, Funnels
Knives and Boards
Container(s) for mash
Oven gloves
Plastic Cups, lent by P+MW (PC)
Tea towels, lent by P+MW (PC)
Washing up bowl (SC)
Aprons (each bring one from home)
Leaflets (SC) and Promo Materials (PC?)
Tablecloth (PC)
Demijohns, Stainless steel jugs
If there is anything missed off the list that seems necessary please let the others know and bring one of what ever it is if you have one.

PD demonstrated at the meeting how to work the steamer, so we can show others how to. The juicing process will take an hour start to finish, the key thing is to keep an eye on the water level in the reservoir.
SC - I have looked up whats available on the market now, as it’s no good demoing something without being able to offer advice, there are couple of different ones produced: one by Beka which is listed on Amazon, but isn’t currently available, their British stockists don’t seem to have it on their website either. However, the Vigo presses website did have one for £125 (reduced from £150)

3.Oven Report from PD

PC- ask PD for his oven report.
PD’s mobile oven will not be at Acorn Bank, as they are firing their own.
The oven project moving forward should be more education based, Pact should be involved with courses on making the ovens and how to use them, through good education the ovens will be well used. PD might be on TV 25th Oct the BBC might be filming a segment for a Nigel Slater show ( the researchers came to the mill oven on the 11th)
In relation to this possible TV appearance and other future food events, MW said she will organise PACT embroidered aprons using the PACT footprint logo.

4. Aims and Goals
PC to update and send out on approval.

5. Dates for meetings
Steering Group 2nd Nov
Food Group 9th Nov (was 5th but moved to fit in with Mike Marsden’s visit)

This is to be held at the Wards (7.30pm) and is a drinks and nibbles job not bring and share.
To reduce congestion at the Wards, as much car sharing as possible would be appreciated.

6. Local Food Events (LFE)
There wont be a ceilidh this year.
Event in the park/Market leading up to Penrith show, there is possible funding available from the Penrith lottery.
Taking over the Penrith Market- possibly lottery funding for pitches and volunteer expenses.
The Market would take place on the Market’s usual day- Tuesday, it would be an 8 week programme across the summer. It would be a mix of stalls with a strong take away food element to draw people in. The stalls could be run by volunteers or the companies themselves (as it is a Tuesday, they may all be able to be there)
There is also the issue of the producers not being able to afford coming to Penrith but if they can establish a customer base thru the lottery funded pitches, this may make it viable in the longer term.
SC- I’ve just filled in a survey that Neil Hughes was delivering in Bolton, in the local issues section I mentioned the death of Penrith market and said that PACT food group was working on ideas to change this and he should contact us- so hopefully he will, but we could nudge him too.
Food Festival/ Cumbrian Banquet  possibly involving Ivan Day, decisions need to be made by December meeting to make sure we can secure Ivan’s services. A food festival could have sponsorship from Booths, Cranstons, etc.
Please bring food event ideas to the November meeting.

7. Food Directory PW
Nurture Lakeland and Eden Tourist (something or other) are working on a guide and liked the idea of database and the fact that Pact could supply developers. They also are working on food tours like the ‘teapot trail’, or searchable routes, therefore will need an identifiable mark like the teapot sign for example. We talked about guides and how quickly they become out of date, a fully interactive website would be a strong part of the directory.

8. AOB
OC went on tour of Lowther Castle which included their newly restored Edwardian Garden, and they are looking for a way of keeping it maintained without funding, we talked of the garden being maintained by people who want allotments on the proviso that it would kept in the Edwardian aesthetic that has been established. Contact should be made with Hazel.