PACT Food group

Food Action Group meeting

Fri, 05/08/2011 - 19:30
Crown and Mitre, Bampton Grange
Group tag: 


1. Apologies from Nick Jones, Lynn Barnes, Trish Adams, Niall Wildewood
2. Ovens Update PD, please see Ovens group Reports for details
3. Food Group Goals paper copies distributed and electronic version will be sent later, just received today.  FG members to provide comments at the September meeting and a version will be distributed in September emaling us to track comments for an updated version.
4. Land Share/allotments, suggestion that in view of the wide scope of this initiative, PACT should mainly act as a facilitator for landshare and we should direct any enquiries and availability to the Landshare website.  PTC has become a member to monitor, very few request/offers available in this area as of now.
5. Food Share Schemes.  Suggestion that we should think about organising an event(s) for next year as it is late in the season now.  Shold also think about surplus plant sharing.  maybe this could be bring and share eating event(s)
6. Local Food Directory
Nurture Lakeland is planning(?) a directory and maybe we should contact them with ideas.  PW contacted them but was asked to join (£30).  They seem to have funding of a directory.  Suggested that we need a directory that is searchable along several axes such as location, item (beans, peas, lamb etc), type (organics, bio-dynamic, vegetarian etc)  Somewhat implies electronic version to achieve this level of complexity. Further research into Nurture Lakeland required.

7. Date and time of next meeting
2nd September 7:30 pm - location?

8. AOB
Suggestion that PACT should have a library of books that members own and are willing to lend.  (this has been mooted from various sources).  CC can set up the website part of this and will take lists from other members of offers to lend.