PACT Food group


Food action group

Forest Gardens, Permaculture and Growing in Cumbria

Mon, 07/02/2011 - 10:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:04
Newton Rigg Campus
Cumbria Forest Food Network

You are warmly invited to a day of permaculture and forest gardening at Newton Rigg campus on Monday 7th February .

There will be talks and workshops led by Andy Goldring, Head of the UK Permaculture Association and Tomas Remiarz who is their research leader.

We will also be sharing the results from the Cumbria Forest Food Network questionnaires and discussing where we can work together to enhance the network and our forest gardens.

If you can't make it to this further meetings and potential site visits are being developed in Spring/Summer 2011.

Group tag: 

Vista Veg

VistaVegVista Veg is a small grower's co-operative based in the village of Crosby Ravensworth near Shap in Cumbria. We grow high quality, responsibly grown vegetables on 3 separate sites totaling 6 acres for people who care about where & how their food is produced.

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Vista Veg recipes for January 2011

Attached below are Vista Veg's recipe suggestions for January 2011, including:

  • Cauliflower, Carrot & Potato Korma
  • Chicken, Carrot & Pepper Pilaf
  • Creamed Turnips with Smoked Haddock
  • Creamy Leek Risotto
  • Jerusalem Artichokes with Leeks, Bacon & Sage
  • Leek & Lemon Fettucine
  • Roasted Carrot Soup with Smoked Paprika & Rosemary

New contact number: 07584 251 352 

Group tag: 

Juice Extraction

Juice extraction equipment to maximise harvest yields

Background - The Opportunity

PACT was formed in recognition of the environmental challenges posed by the advent of global warming, the arrival of peak oil, and how these might affect the way individuals might wish to approach the future as part of a self-reliant community.

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Community Growing

Using Land for Community-Owned Allotments, Orchards and Farms

Background - The Opportunity

PACT was established in recognition of a lack of planning for uncertainties we expect to face in the future over energy, climate change and financial instability.

Food production will be a key issue if our world food markets, transport and climate change result in existing food chains being broken or diminished, and food shortages will have immediate effects on the UK population.

Group tag: 

Food action group


Within the transition process, one of the key issues PACT is looking into is food sourcing. This will include where our food comes from, food miles, packaging, and how we can make the best use of the often abundant resources here in Cumbria! The Food Group is also looking to map other local groups and food producers in the Eden area.

Please get in touch using our contact form or take part in the discussion forum.  Click on the Education tag on the left to see what else is online here.

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