PACT Plastic Bag Free Penrith campaign

Plastic Bag Free Penrith

Plastic Bag Free Penrith project

Plastic Bag Free Petition to the House of Commons

Sat, 02/10/2010 - 00:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:24
Market Square
PACT Resources and Waste action group

On 2nd October 2010, the Plastic Bag Free Penrith team took did a Bag Swap for shoppers to swap plastic bags for a new PACT cotton bag.

We also asked shopper to sign a petition to the House of Commons calling for a charge to be introduced in England on single use plastic carrier bags.  Almost 500 signatures were collected on the day, with more collected later; the petition will be handed in by our MP Rory Stewart.

PACT Plastic Bag Free Penrith Shoppers Survey

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 10:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:24
Clock tower

On 11th July 2009, the PACT Plastic Bag Free Penrith team surveyed shoppers at a stall in the town centre.

  • 334 shoppers questioned
  • 98% were aware of the problems caused by plastic carrier bags
  • 87% generally take their own reusable bag when out shopping
  • 42% supported a total ban on plastic bags being given out by Penrith shops
  • 38% preferred the idea of a charge for bags
  • 22% chose the option of a reduction in bags being given out but no charge.


Plastic Bag Free Penrith Launch Event

Tue, 02/06/2009 - 19:00 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:24
Eden Rural Foyer

The PACT Resources and Waste team launched its Plastic Bag Free Penrith campaign publicly on 2nd June 2009 at an evening meeting at Eden Rural Foyer.  We also launched our snazzy cotton reusable bag, featuring a punny strapline "PACT - but not in plastic" on one side and "Purchased in Penrith" on the other.

PACT but not in plastic

Petition photo-call with Rory Stewart

Fri, 17/12/2010 - 12:55 to Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:24
The George Hotel

We've arranged a brief time slot to hand over our plastic bag charge petition to our MP Rory Stewart.  He will then lodge it formally at the House of Commons.

Rory can spare us a couple of minutes tomorrow at 12.55 pm  at the front of The George Hotel (where he has a meeting). Please can you confirm whether you will be able to attend? The more the merrier!

We'd love more people to come and be visible in the photo shoot.  Please contact the Resources and Waste group.